Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > help with my potbelly pig

help with my potbelly pig

22 9:15:42

I have a 6 1/2 month old male pot-belly pig.  He is getting to the point that he wants to hump everything.  If I get him fix will this stop completely or not. Or is just a bad habit that he will always do. My kids love him but i can not handle him doing this.  It is getting to the point my kids can not even play with him.  No one can lay on the floor and he will come up to you and start any help would be greatly appropriated thanks again

Male piglets should be neutered as soon as their testicles drop.
This can be from one to two weeks of age.
The sooner they are neutered the sooner the male instincts go away.
Neutering should help but it can take a month or so before you will notice a difference in his behavior.
Good luck,