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Pot Bellied Pig

22 9:12:18

Hi i have a few questions for you, I have a male pot bellied pig hes almost 6 months old. Whenever he comes to cuddle with me he makes a really high pitched squeaking noise and wont stop until he falls asleep is this normal? he wakes up at the exact same time every morning and screams and it take me telling him to go back to bed for probably about 10 or 15 minutes before he lies down again. At what age is he not going to be considered a piglet anymore? and will he become less vocal when he gets older? Another question I have is that i have is that i have 3 dogs, he is never alone with any of them but when he is with them 2 of them have nothing to do with him but the one who is a 7 year old corgie won't stop licking him all over mainly his face and she has been starting to try and get him to play with her by grabbing at his feet but i am afraid that she will hurt him without meaning to.Also if you have any advice you could give me since he is my first pig and I really want to do everything right to train him i would really appreciate it,thanks so much!

Pigs can make an amazing range of vocal sounds. Each pig has his or her own personality, some are more vocal than others. Piglets do tend to be more vocal than older pigs. Pigs reach adulthood at age 2.

Getting up early is a common problem with house pigs. The trick is to ignore him when he screams, or at least, do not reward him. You can take him to the litterbox or outside to potty, but then right back to bed until breakfast time. Do not feed him, or he'll think that it's ok for him to scream.

Dogs and pigs can be a tricky combination. A lot depends on the individual dog and pig. Sometimes, the dog and pig can never be left alone together. Dogs and pigs do not speak the same "language", and when a fight starts the pig is usually the looser. Your corgi may be a potential problem, it might be a good idea to discourage doggy from licking piggy.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think and why they do the things they do. She covers many topics in much more detail than I can here. Her book is available from