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Pig after neutering effects

22 9:10:37

My mini pot belly pig is about 10 weeks old and was neutered 3 days ago. He is letting off this musty stench that is getting on me and his blankets. He is also itching his butt on the carpet. The smell is just horrible. Why does it butt itch so badly all the sudden?  Will these side effects go away? I read the smell is boar hormones, but since he was neutered will this smell stop?

His butt is itching because the incision is healing. When the wound is healed completely he will be much less itchy. Signs of infection include redness, swelling and pus.

Yes, the odor will disappear soon. It will take 30 days for the extra boar hormones to leave his system and the odor should be completely gone by then.

The odor is from the preputial diveriticulm. It will shrink as the hormones leave his body. In the meantime, you can speed the process by washing his belly daily with warm soapy water, and trying to expel the contents of the pretutial diverticiulm. Piggy will enjoy the belly rub.