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sudden jumping and rooting!

22 9:13:54

My mini pig is just over 6 months old. About 3 weeks ago she suddenly started jumping on me, rooting aggressively on me, and nipping at me. I had just changed my work schedule and sent the dog to live with my mother temporarily, so I thought she might be distressed by the changes. After 3 days of it, I started correcting her by pushing her away every time she came at me even though she is too small to really hurt me. She stopped. But two days ago she started up again. Given the 3 weeks time frame and her age, I'm wondering if this has to do with menstrual cycles. Does this sound like typical hormonal behavior to you?

Yes, her behavior sounds exactly like a sow in heat. The rooting, jumping and nipping are mating behaviors. She may also "forget" her potty training during heats. The only solution is to have her spayed. She will be a happier piggy all the time, and spaying completely eliminates the risk of uterine tumors or infections. There's a list of veterinarians that treat pot-bellied pigs on the Forgotten Angels website,