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Young pbp question

22 9:11:26

I'm fairly new to the pig world and I recently got a two and a half week mini pbp. (My girlfriend had one when he was younger and been wanting another one for quite some time) I've been spending a lot of time reading and researching different things online about them. I now know that we may have gotten our pig "Dexter" to early. Hes very playful and is doing very well with a great appetite and starting using the litter right away. My questions are; what are the best toys for him to play with? I have two different size balls to play with right now for him. Ive been reading that a stuffed animal would be something to have and other cat/dog toys that have no small pieces. Is this true? What would you recommend? Also I heard that putting dirt on a baking sheet with rice crispies or cheerios throughout it is good for him to root through. I just didn't know if he's the right age to do that yet. Also he sniffs around a lot and sometimes he opens his mouth when he does that too, is it to allow more scent/smells in or something else? Thanks for your time and any recommendations you may have. Take care.

Anything and everything can be a piglet toy. They especially love toys that make noise. Piglets can play with cat or dog toys, human infant toys, paper bags, magazines and newspapers, soda bottles with holes punched in the sides and filled with popped corn, and even electronic pocket toys. One of my house pigs really enjoyed an electronic Magic-8 Ball. He just loved the sound it made when he pushed the button with his nose.

It's never too early for a piglet to root and play in dirt. In fact, they get essential trace nutrients this way. A flat tray will allow dirt to scatter everywhere, I recommend a cardboard or large plastic storage box with one side cut down. Piggy can easily get in and out, but most of the dirt will stay in place. Use ordinary potting or topsoil. Or, take piggy outdoors to root in real grass and dirt.

It's never too young to start harness training. Get the kind of harness that slips on from underneath and buckles at the back. Avoid the kind that piggy has to stick his head through, pigs just don't like to do that. Specially designed pig harnesses are available from Ross Mill Farm , , and

Yes, the jaw thing allows more air into the nasal cavity, intensifying the smell. Pigs will also "suck air" or "kissy face" to intensify a taste or smell.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understood how pigs think and why they do the things they do. Her book is in between printings and may be hard to find. Two excellent dvds are "There's a Pig in the House" and "Amazing Pig Tricks" from Top Hogs