Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > behavior on Ben-G

behavior on Ben-G

22 9:13:35

QUESTION: Hi, I have a Miniature Potbellied Pig named Ben-G, who's turning 6 months today. first i wanted to make sure she is getting enough to eat and the right nutrition. she has been eating 1/3 of a cup twice a day of an off-brand of potbelly pig feed that i buy from my local feed store. along with some fruits and veggies. Should i be giving her vitamins or do you recommend any that she can be taking? but my main concern was her behavior.she has been very good, loving and playful. recently within the past couple days she has been quite mean to me. i know she is a daddy's girl but for some reason she wont leave me alone. its like she's connected to my hip, which isn't a bad thing but then she oinks at me and occasionally barks and she roots at my legs and i can push her off and say no but she wont listen and also when doing this she in nipping at my calves. what do i do? is it me or her? thanks-Leticia

ANSWER: Hello,
Has your piglet been spayed?  I will get back to you as soon as you answer.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no she is not spayed but i was considering it if it would help her behavior. thank you. leticia

I would definitely get her spayed.  Unspayed females can have behavior problems.  They will come into heat every 21 days.  I would get it done as soon as possible.
Hope this helps. might want to try Infinity Plus pig chow.  They also have a wonderful Vit/Min supplement for Miniature pet pigs.