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I just got a potbelly pig

22 9:13:23

hi i recently got a potbelly pig and the parents the baby girl is five months old and has been an out side pig is i to late to bring her in and try to train her and how do i start because i don't think she has had a lot of attention because when you pick her up she yells.

No, it's not too late to bring her inside. Pigs normally do not like to be picked up and held, they need to learn to enjoy it. Start by sitting next to her, and let her approach you. Feed her all her food from your hand, and try to touch her as she eats. Pretty soon she'll let you touch her, and give belly rubs. Then start holding her on your lap as you feed her, then start holding her off the ground as you feed her, etc., until she's comfortable being held.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think, and why they do the things that they do. She goes into training and socialization in much more detail than I can here. It's available on