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pig in heat

22 9:13:08

I have a couple of questions about my female pig. around 2 and a half weeks ago her vulva became swollen and a pinkish red color,she started following my dog around more than usual and became more moody about things. I am pretty sure she came in heat but her vulva just now went down to her regular size. I was wondering if a pigs first heat cycle can last longer and if they become swollen a couple days before they start their piggy cycle? I am sure she does not have  urinary infection because her urine has been her usual clear color no blood or discharge  or anything in her urine and she has been eating and drinking her usual amount as well as being very playful and active. any adive would be greatly apreciated.
Thank You.

A pigs first few heat cycles can be a little bit wonky, sometimes longer or shorter than normal. Her behavior sounds like a typical pig in heat. Veterinarians usually like to wait until after the first heat cycle to spay. Spaying prevents long term health problems and eliminates the behavior problems associated with heat. There's a list of veterinarians who see pot-bellied pigs at