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freckle like spots on pig

22 9:12:53

   I have a pink pig about four months old. He has these freckle like marks running all down his back. He has had a few before but they went away. We let him go play outside the other day and they seemed to pop up everywhere along his back. I looked closely and it is not any insect. Is this something you think I should be really concerned about , and should I take him to a vet? Or is this common and I should not worry? Thank you so much for your time.

Pig skin is very similar to human skin. So similar, in fact, that it's often used in skin grafts on human burn victims.

Like people, pigs can get sunburned. They can also get freckles from sun exposure.

Another possibility is that your pig is not going to stay pink. Pigs sometimes change color as they age. Normally, it's black pigs that develop white socks and mowhawks. But, it's also possible for white pigs to develop a few dark spots.

As long as these remain simple spots, with no blistering, bleeding or oozing, piggy should be fine.