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Size of potbelly piglet

22 9:16:26


Cody the Chihuahua and
Hi, I have a weird question that my vet has yet to respond to.  I have PBP siblings who are 5 months old.  They're both wonderfully small, with her weighing in at about 7 pounds while he is about 8.5 pounds. I have yet to get them neutered/spayed, but will have it done as soon as I can get an appointment. Anyway, the boy, Nick, has an enormous penis that he can't seem to ever put away. He drags it around and steps on it. It's quite an unattractive nuisance. I have washed him to make sure there was nothing caught on it which would make retraction painful or difficult, and there usually is nothing there.  He CAN retract it when he wants, but seems to prefer to leave it dragging around.  For now they're kept indoors. Obviously this condition cannot exist when they get moved to outdoor housing in the Spring. Will getting neutered solve the problem? Can the penis be trimmed or removed....gosh these sound like such barbaric questions, but he cannot drag it around his entire life, I'm sure there will be infection and health issues. Let alone the amount of time I spend washing their bedding and mopping the floor!
I had a  male, neutered PBP back in the late 80's and never had these problems.  He was larger than these guys though, so maybe the small size of the piglet is causing the problem???
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks you so much,  Sandy

I did see one other case similar to this one - If I remember correctly, the pig stepped on the penis and injured it so that he was not able to retract it until it healed.

You're right to be concerned about the potential dangers. The urinary tube through there is very narrow and twisty, and could easily be blocked or damaged.

Neutering will more than likely solve the problem, but it might take a month or so for the hormones to leave his system. Once the hormones are gone, the urge to extend and hump will be gone. The preputial diverticulum (small pouch located next to the penis) will shrink considerably, leaving more room for the penis inside the belly.

Discuss this issue with your vet before neutering, so he can check things out while the pig is knock out for castration. There may be slight deformities or other issues that are not obvious. He may want to check for accidental injuries or inspect the preputial diverticulum for infection.

If this is still happening a month after neutering, please write to me again and I'll investigate further.