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boy pig up girl pigs butt.. ALL THE TIME

22 9:10:47

i have two mini potbellied pigs. brother and sister. he will not keep his nose out of her rear end!! even when she goes to the bathroom. is this normal and what can i do to make him stop??

This is normal behavior for an intact male pig. The only way to make him stop is to have him neutered and wait until his system stops making the hormones that drive him to do this.

This is a very strange behavior for a fixed male pig. If he was recently fixed, it may take awhile for him to stop. If he has been fixed awhile, then something is triggering this behavior. He may have a retained testicle or need more water.

A vet can do a blood test to see if a nutritional deficiency is driving his behavior. There's a list of vets that see pigs at