Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > 3 month old eats a lot

3 month old eats a lot

22 9:17:20

I have a 3 month old female pot belly pig and she seems to eat a lot.  I feed her twice a day and when she is outside she eats a lot of grass and seems t have a fat stomach.  Is this normal?  what should I do? please help...

All Pot Bellied Pigs love to eat and yes....they have a big stomach...that is why they are called Pot Bellied.
You Piglet needs to be on a stricked feeding program.  If you don't start restricting her feed now she will become obese and very un healthy.
It is impossible to tell you how much she should eat as it depends on her weight and age.  If I could see a picture of her I could help you more.  
It also depends on what kind of feed you are feeding her.
I highly recommend using the Infinity Plus products on the Royal Dandie web site product page.  They are the only one who have a feed that will keep your PBP from getting fat if you follow their guidelines.
You piglet shouldn't be allowed to graze for long periods of time as grass has calories and is very high in protein which can be detrimental to your piglet.
You can send a picture if you want to of your piglet and i will give you my opinion of how she should be fed and if she is at a proper weight for her age and confirmation.
Email me at