Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > We rescued a P.B. Pig

We rescued a P.B. Pig

22 9:18:22

QUESTION: This pig was a little lost soul in our neighborhood for almost 2 yrs. With the last cold blast of winter, he finally came into our barn. He was in bad shape. He was scared to death, but was so cold & starved he gave in. All we had was Omelene 200 horse feed.He ate it readily, now he refuses anything else. I bought the Mazuri pig feed, I got an emphatic no! We are in love with this pig. He definitely is   "Boss Hog" in the barn. He loves the horses, he has his own turn-out from his stall. We want to do the right thing for him. He has gone from being a wild ferrel pig to our, somewhat, spoiled baby. He has tusks that are somewhat long.  He is very sweet natured & is so glad to see us when we come into his stall. It has taken us over a month to win his confidence. Never had a pig before & didn't plan on this one. But here we are! Any tips , advice or pointers would be appreciated. Yours truly Richard & Helga Davis.

ANSWER:  I have four suggestions
1. Neuter the pig ( a vet MUST do a potbelly and put him under)  if he is not already neutered , he will smell better and his personality will become sweet and gentle. A MUST!
2. Do not let him get fat, it shortens their life expectancy and makes them age fast. Horse feed is okay, no dog food.
3. Do  not allow him to breed, there are too many homeless pb pigs.
4. Join our pig educational list at
Please consider ordering our potbelly book at

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One more question.....How much feed would you recommend we give our pot belly pig per feeding. I would judge him to be 15 inches tall, & weighs about 110 to 120 pounds. He is eating the Purina Omelene 200 horse feed which is 14% protein. It is pretty heavily fortified with molasses, and I would suspect is why it is such a big hit with him. His stool is of a very nice consistency, (he is very clean, by the way, no manure in his stall, everything is put outside in a neat little pile, easy to pick up after)
 We just want to use caution about overfeeding. I have seen the Pot Belly's that were so obese thay were absolutely invalids! We don't want that to happen to our little guy! Will appreciate any input as to the recommended quantity that is sufficient.
 Thank you, Richard & Helga Davis in Maryland.

We would prefer you go switch to a horse feed without molasses or ideally pig feed. He won't eat the pig feed because now he has a sweet tooth!
But it is simple to switch them over.
Take a little of the new feed and SLOWLY, taking baby steps, start putting it in his new food. Use only a FEW KERNELS at first increase daily over 2 weeks. If he sorts it out,  put water in it and moosh it up.
Feed him 2 cups per day and fresh dark veggies. Watch his weigh cut down if he is grazing.
Drop by our website ,
It is AMAZING how smart pigs are!
Good luck,