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Mange Mites?

22 9:18:10

I recently purchased my first pot belly piglet. He is an angel, he is seven weeks old. The people that had him were useless, he lived in filthy conditions and they refused to socialize him which is why i agreed to take him at 6 weeks. He was easily weaned, came around to me after a while, still doesn't love being handled but tolerates my petting and snuggles with me (as he thinks I'm his new mommy) sometimes when other people are in the room or he hears scary noises. I really wanted to buy from a responsible breeder but the moment I saw Austin he stole my heart and that was it. Anyways, now he seems to have developed some scaly skin problems, he itches and it seems a bit red, there is no signs of blood and i put some moisturizer on him last night and his itching seems to have subsided. However, I am very worried it could be mange mites, I am going to purchase some Ivomec tonight, because regardless of whether he has it or not he needs to be wormed. My question is, what other precautions should I take to ensure the mange mites do not spread or return? How likely will it be that myself or my family will contract them? We have a pretty full house here, with 3 dogs, 2 cats and 2 rabbits. None have been in direct contact with Austin but have been in the same general vicinity, should they also be treated for mange mites and if so can they be treated with Ivomec? How long approximately after handling Austin should I expect scabies symptoms if that is indeed what he has? Would pictures help to diagnose the symptoms because I can easily provide them? Thanks so much.  

Good for you for you for rescuing this needy piglet.
Sarcoptic swine mange mites are very common in potbellies,and can spread to humans with direct contact(only). Babies scratch every minute or two, it seems. I would bet your pig has mange if he has not been treated.
  For humans,severe itching is also the symptom... and little red bumps. You personal doctor can prescibe Lindane, if you wish, for relief if you get some itching where you have touched the pig. It kills them at once.
Good news. They are species specific and can only survive on humans about 3 weeks.  They live only on swine. The Ivermectin, given in two injections 14 days apart, should kill them on the baby. You should see results in a few days.
 A good breeder will treat all babies before adopting them out. Wash your hands after handling him or put him on a towel if your legs are bare when holding.. I doubt if you will get the mites and if you do, either call your doctor or expect them to go away. After the first injection, be sure to change and clean all the pig's bedding.
Again, thank you for rescuing this baby!
Priscilla Valentine