Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Male or Female??

Male or Female??

22 9:14:56

I have heard opinions on each side...Which gender makes the best pet? Male or Female Pot Bellied Pig.

Spayed/Neutered pigs make the best pets.

Intact males are more difficult than intact females. They hump constantly and foam at the mouth. They also secrete a scent that female pigs love, but most humans find unpleasant.

Neutered males do none of those things. They will grow tusks, but very slowly. Tusks are easy to keep trimmed.

Intact females go into heat about every three weeks. Each pig acts differently. Some become aggressive towards one particular person or animal. Others become aggressive towards everyone, rooting at feet and jumping on people. Some forget their potty training, others become escape artists and wander off looking for love.

Spayed females do not go into heat. There's also no risk of a spayed female developing uterine tumors, which is very common in intact females.

Personality wise, there is no noticeable difference between neutered males and spayed females.