Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Sunburn?


22 9:18:51

Hi there!  I have a black and white pig and unfortunately she was out with me all day and has a severe sunburn.  Can you tell me if I can put Aloe Vera on it?   Also, for future may I spray sunblock on her?  Her pen is covered, but she likes to be out with me.....thank you!

Yes, you can put aloe vera lotion and sunblock on your pig. There are products made especially for animals. But, pigs can not lick themselves the way other animals do, and pig skin is so close to human skin that it's often used in skin grafts on humans suffering from burns, so it's safe to use human products on your pig.
Lotion might be easier to apply than a spray. I use human insect repellent on my pig's ears to keep the flies away. They don't mind the lotion but they really dislike being sprayed, especially if the spray feels chilly.