Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Thinking about a pig as a pet.

Thinking about a pig as a pet.

22 9:18:50

QUESTION: Is it best for a pig to be an outside or inside pet?  And what would I need to care for an outside pig?

ANSWER: Hello first let me say pigs stink...not just there poop or pee they stink in genrel they have real bad B.O. they are best as Outdoor pets not just because of this but because they are pigs and love to root around and have there own space and can be agressive to people or small children sometimes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your responce.  Do you have any knowledge on what is needed to care for a pig?  What type of enclosure I should have.  Bedding?  Housing ? ext.....

I reccomend seeing this webpage's:

I know very basic things as I had a potbelly piglet for a short while one summer until I relized they are not indoor pets, are deathly afraid of dogs and well smell really bad & are best as farm pets I'd say guinea-"pigs" are much better city pets. Right click highlight and copy/paste the above links one at a time after you've read each into your search bar. For housing a large outdoor pen with a good sturdy shelter like a thick insulated dog house is required, Wood shavings/wood chip bedding like used in horse stalls would work well with towels/blankets/hay/straw in the sleeping area.