Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Lost a molar

Lost a molar

22 9:10:32

Hi there,

My one-year-old male piggy lost a molar within the past week. He hasn't shows any signs of pain and he seems happy. I found it while I was sweeping his room this morning.

Do pigs typically lose molars? He seems awfully young to lose one, but then human children lose their molars at young ages, too.

Thank you!

Pigs have three sets of teeth, so finding stray teeth is not unusual. The molar you found is probably one of the second set of teeth. The final molars erupt when piggies are about 2-1/2 years old, so you may find more teeth. Some people like to use them for jewelry, or put them in keepsake boxes.