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Pot belly behaviour

22 9:14:59

Good morning.

We recently added a 4 month old female to our family. We already have a 2 year old female and 1 year old male (fixed).

Since coming home last Wednesday we have experienced increased levels of aggression and anxieity toward us and both our senior pigs. Our senior pigs have not displayed this type of behaviour before toward either themselves or others. This aggression is in the form of climbing and nipping and biting. Usually, before jumping she will begin to circle one or both of us, pant and open her mouth. We have attempted to use recommended methods to adjust Noodle's behaviour but she becomes that much more aggressive. We have found it necessary to leave her area and she usually calms down. She is leash trained, sits on command, uses her ltter box without issue, answers well to her name and when calm sits in my lap for extended periods. She has plenty of toys and attention, eats and drinks well and shows no outward signs of sickness.

We are curious as to what we are missing and anxious to help her. Perhaps you could provide us with some direction.

Thanks in advance

Dave Gibson

Bethany, Ontario

You are describing a female in heat. This is probably her first one, and she probably doesn't understand why she feels this way. She will calm down in a couple of days. The only way to fix the problem permanently is to have her spayed.

Not all females are difficult during heat, and not all display the same symptoms. Some will forget their potty training. Some constantly root at peoples ankles. Some jump on people and other animals. Some will go for any handy person or animal, others choose a favorite. Some get destructive, shredding blankets and paper.