Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > behavior


22 9:11:49

thank u so much for the food advice recently, i have another question, my baby is always rooting on me and he gets so mad when i try to make him stop, what does this mean?

Piglets spend a lot of time rooting on their mother's belly. It helps stimulate milk production and is good practice for rooting in the dirt later in life. Piglets that are weaned before 8 or 9 weeks of age often exhibit this behavior until they are three or four months old. At that point it should slack off, and stop completely by the time the piglet is about 6 months old. In the meantime, teach piggy to root into a pillow or stuffed animal instead of people. A tiny drop of vanilla on the rooting object should grab and hold piggy's interest.