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Best toys for pigs and how to train not to bite

22 9:18:11

I recently just got a 7wk old pig.  He seems to want to bite my toes I know he is playing but dont want him to bite.  what toys are best for pigs? what age do they have to be to get nutured and do they need any shots??

Pigs seem to love toes!

Yes, it's a good idea to discourage this behavior now, before it gets out of hand. When he approaches your feet, gently push him away and say "No". Make sure everyone in your family does this, consistency is extremely important!

Pigs love toys that make noise. At his young age, doggie or cat toys are Ok, as are human baby toys. Things he can push, pull, and drag. Teaching tricks is another way to keep piglets busy and happy, and helps both pig and owner learn to understand each other.

He is already old enough to be neutered, and the sooner the better. Male piglets as young as 8 or 9 weeks can impregnate a female.

There's no clear cut answer on the question of shots. Some vets now do not give any shots unless there is a legal requirement or obvious need, because pigs do not catch the same diseases that dogs and cats do.

I highly recommend Priscilla Valentine's book Pot-Bellied Pigs Behavior and Training. She is a professional pig trainer and really understands their psyche. Also, there's two very good email groups on Yahoo Groups that I recommend for first time pig owners, PigInfoAndChat and PotSpot. These are friendly groups with pig lovers who enjoy talking about pigs and sharing tips for raising baby piglets.