Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my rat is not herself

my rat is not herself

21 17:54:51

QUESTION: My rat is acting disoriented, clumsy and weak. It's been 3 day now. She is eating and drinking and being active. I read that apple seeds and grapes can be toxic and she's had both.  There has been no physical trauma to my knowledge. Can you help me figure out what has happened and if the effects will be permanent or fatal. Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Heather

Grapes can be toxic in some species but not in rats. Thats a first for me about the apple seeds though.
However, she sounds as if she has an inner ear infection. This throws the rat off balance and makes the rat walk clumsily around, often appearing disoriented.  She needs to be on antibiotics for the infection and steroids or NSAIDS for inflammation to help get her well again. The vet should rule out that it may be neurological for starters and once that is determined she is stable, she will be treated according to plan
 Do you have a vet that is an exotic specialist? If you need a vet let me know your area and I can help find one near you that treats exotics (rats included:-)

Hang in there!

Sandy          '

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, me again.  Sorry to be a pest.  I made an appointment with a local vet for this morning.  She is not an expert, but she does "work with and treat rats".  I live in a small town so the choices are limited.  Do you think she will be ok? The name of the facility is Carbon Valley Animal Clinic in Firestone CO. Thanks again for all help.


I will check for you. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. My own rats are sick and I had to take them both in to the Vets this morning. You can reach me at That is my personal email address.

Meanwhile I will look for an exotic vet just in case you are not satisfied with who you see today.