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help i dunno what to do

21 17:21:38


my female rat is about a year old. i came home to day to find her vagina open and blood around it. when you touch near it she wiggles. its hard around it too like theres bone. shes acting normal other than she didnt come to greet me like she normally does. she just laid in her hammock and looked at me but at first i thought she was mad at me because she often does this when shes mad for some reason like me coming home late. can you give me any ideas what it is?

It could be pyometra which is a nasty and posbbily deadly uterine infection.  Since rats do not go into heat, they should never have any blood around their vaginal opening.  You need to bring her in to see a vet that is well versed in rat care as soon as possible.  If you need help locating a vet that is an exotic vet or one that may not be strictly an avian/exotics vet but a vet that at least has a special interest in exotics and can help her, let me know your location and I will gladly give you some names of good vets.