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New baby dumbo

21 17:28:42


Baby Rogan
This weekend my boyfriend and I adopted a male dumbo, about 5 weeks old. We have two female top-ears and a female dumbo already. The thing is, with the little male (Rogan) he kind of... sways side to side. When he's eating or just standing around, he sways back and forth.
At first we thought it was because he was poo-ing and having a hard time. But it continues to go on all the time. We're worried if something is wrong, or if it's just a character quirk of his. Thank you for your time!

Hes is so cute!!   Also, head swaying is adorable too!

It also has a meaning as to why they do this.  Please read this page on my website to find out why rats head sway.  There are a few videos from utube with rats doing the infamous head sway too!  

Here is the URL.  This way if you have a vet that is clueless about rats and he says your rat is blind or has brain damage, you can set him straight and educate him real fast as to what head swaying really means!!
Yes believe it or not, a few vets have told people this and its totally false!