Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat seems sick

My rat seems sick

21 17:28:41

QUESTION: "Hi I got a baby hooded rat from a nearby pet store. I already have two medium sized rats each about 3 months old, I introduced them and all was good but this is a previous question you couldn't answer. I have a new question a little less complicated! Uno my rat has a sneezing issue and sleeps a lot! I'm not sure if he's sick. But we don't have a rat trained vet with in the next few counties! So I can't take him to a vet. He sleeps all day and most of the night. He seems healthy other than the sneezing! No red goo in his eyes, and he rarely even drink if ever! He dedicates where he sleeps, and doesn't move. I use carefresh bedding but nothing. Is he sick and dyeing? or is it stress? He eats forti-diet, and some fruits! To help ease throat inflammation I have him in the bathroom with me when I take showers. I really want to keep him, I've read taking him back to the pet store will most likely be his demise! He is so sweet and my buddy loves him, he was kept on pine at the pet store. (But recently the pet store heard to use carefresh) I love him but with no vet should I just try my best to ease his suffering? He seems so sad and helpless! Please help me!!!"

ANSWER: I apologize for my delay getting back to you; I've been sick with the flu.

So... you're telling me his *only* symptoms are that he seems to sleep a lot and he's sneezing?

It's rare I ever see my rats drink. As long as the water bottle level keeps moving down and he seems to be peeing enough; I wouldn't worry about that; unless I see that he's looking sick (hair standing on end, porph (red stuff) coming out of his nose and eyes, drooling, swaying, dragging hind legs, etc.). His sleep behavior may just be him.. sometimes we have lazy boys. And sneezing, if only occasional.. can be very normal. So, you need to tell me how often and how much he's sneezing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  Ok he sneezes like almost rapeatedly, he has gotten some new symptoms since last time! He looks weak, and his fur looks dirty. He also has the red stuff, but not in the last few days! Should I take him out of his cage and get a small cage with cloth bedding? I also got Carefresh since last time, and he sneezed the same. So I switched back to aspen. Nothing works, but I put him on some weak amoxicillen to help (half of a 100mg pills) In some apple sause! I also have a new question. I had one pregnant rat by my adult boy, and I seperated them after my girl attacked Uno (sickly)! Well I got her a cagemate and only to have no symptoms had her babies 2 days ago, and my Apple has gone into labor! Can they stay together? I have rat issues! I was also reading that you can get some escipean for kids or somthing like that! Would that be ok?

I don't think your bedding is to blame, I think he may just have a touch of a respiratory problem you need to get knocked out... do not medicate him, particularly when you don't know whats wrong, and definitely without knowing the proper dosage. To medicate when you don't know what's wrong is only going to complicate diagnosis and proper treatment in the future. Instead, he needs to see a vet to be properly treated and put on antibiotics - presumably baytril or doxycyline or both.

I don't know what escipean for kids is -- but yes, your girls need to be separated to avoid conflict, unless they seem to be getting along just fine currently and then you can leave them together but run the risk of the litters mingling and mama's getting pissy with each other. If you're not worried about that, no, leave them together. I know many people who colony breed. It's a bit of a dumb idea in my opinion, as hormonal pregnant and lactating does tend to be very violent when they're provoked, but that is my own personal opinion on the matter.

What I'm confused with about this - is did you intentionally breed your rat, when you knew/thought he was sick? Did you know she was pregnant when you got her a cagemate? That is extremely irresponsible, so I certainly hope not.