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My male rat is bleeding

21 17:58:11

I recently have been given 2 male rats that are from the same litter, they are just over a year old. One of the rats seems to be bleeding from either its anus or genitals, and has been ever since it had been with its previous owner. He hasn't given me signs of any discomfort or signs that he is  in any pain. I have concerns that my other rat may be trying to mate with him as neither of them have been castrated. Please prove me wrong!

I give my rats beech wood bedding and they are living in a very large cage 31" by 31". I give them a healthy diet which includes greens such as cucumber and apples."

So this bleeding has been going on for a year with no veterinary attention? Yeek!

Rectal or genital bleeding is nothing to take lightly. I seriously doubt they're trying to mount each other and that's what is causing the bleeding -- in my years I've never seen that happen! I would suggest you get in touch with a vet as soon as possible to have that checked out. It could be something like colon polyps, or it could be something much, much worse.

If you need help finding a vet who sees rats in your area, please let me know where you're at (zipcode), and I'll be happy to look some certified exotics clinics for you!