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Jenna update and question

21 17:25:46

Hello. Wanted to give you an update on Jenna.  She is doing pretty good.  Her wound from the abscess/tumor healed great.  My question is this, she is scheduled for her other tumor to be removed tomorrow (Tuesday) however, these past few days I think she has a cold and maybe an ear thing going on.  She has that red stuff around her left eye and a bit on her left nostril. It comes and goes but she just has that look in her face that she's just not quite right. I called the vet on Friday and he said to go back to the Baytril and if she perks up we can go ahead. I call him today and if she's better to see if the surgery can still go as planned, and if not, he wants to see her either way to see whats up. Id say she is better, but I do notice the mornings aren't great but then she seems fine in the afternoon and evening.  (eating and being her old <good> self)  My question is, I know the sooner the better to get this large tumor off her chest the better, but if she is a little sick, is that reason to postpone the surgery to next week?  Also, when we were at the vets office last, he said she might have mites and put a drop of Ivermectin (dilute) behind her ear.  Every two weeks for a month she gets that.  Do you think that is safe?  It did seem to help her itching some.
OK, guess thats it.  I hope to hear back from you today.  I am thinking maybe a week would not hurt to wait to get that surgery.  I appreciate your opinion, Sandra.  Thank you for your time.

I am so sorry I did not get this till now.  Hopefully all is well.

I would not get the surgery done if she has ANY respiratory issues at all.   I am sure the vet would agree. The tumor can wait another week or two or more if necessary.  let me know whats up!