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Rat breeding / genetics

21 17:26:06

QUESTION: Hi, I've been looking around ALOT and can't seem to find all the info I want on I have a few questions I hope you can help me with:
I've read up on inbreeding and most places seem to think it's very dangerous and wrong, whereas other places say it's alright, as long as you know what your doing and things like that, because it can get traits your looking for. I've NEVER inbred, I'm just curious on your opinion. Also, is it still bad to breed a rat with it's uncle? The father's brother, that is.
Also do you know of a website with a genetics calculator? I found one, but it only did colors, and Punnett squares just get me so lost.
And final question, do you know how to breed a variagated rat? I've wanted one for so long.
Just on a random note, I would never breed for feeders, and I'm always prepared with extra cages if something goes wrong and I have to take care of most - all of the babies. On top of that, I always prepare homes for a litter much before hand, making sure I have a minimum of 15 homes.
Thankyou for your help :)

ANSWER: Hi Lulu,

If you give me the traits i would be glad to do the Punnet square for you and Give you the genetics. also If you attached Photos I can help determine the out come better. As for a website im sorry to say No I have never found one Either. As far as Inbreeding I am a firm believer it should not be done unless you are trying to achieve a specific trait. and even then it needs to be done with skill and Brother and sister should never be bred. As for your variegated rat, It is hard to get an absolute one with out one to start with but you can try using a Hooded and a solid color. I recently bred two rats of these colors and got half a Variegated rat and another full Variegated rat. It depends on the chances, again I can help you predict the out come but I need either a detail description or just photos of the Buck and Doe.

Good Luck!

Emily Harris

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oh thank-you!
The Doe will most definatly be Sakura, my Agouti Berkshire. She has standard ears, black eyes, curly whiskers.Her mother is an albino (standward ears), and her father is a patchwork hairless, dumbo ears, curly whiserks, black eyes:
The Champagne Berkshire in that picture was going to be the Buck, but obviously being brother and sister I'm ruling that out. Oh, and I'm waiting until after summer when Sakura is 5 months old to breed, obviously she's too little at the moment :) . I'm just very excited and already have homes lined up.
The other option for the Buck was a Black Hooded, who is her uncle. He has some Patchwork hairless in his genes since his brother is one, but they aren't dominant, like Sakura.
If that's still too close to inbreeding, I know some breeders that lend out their bucks, I'd just prefer to use my own.
Thank you again!!

Well if you have an unrelated hooded to use that is great. I think you would be best off with the ginger colored one. But any of them will work fine. :) I would not use the hairless as a hair gene it may have could contradict the one you want. Such as An Albino gene. With a Hooded rat and say, the ginger color you have about a, 25% chance of getting what you want. it is slim but with a rat having so many babies you may get one. If not keep trying. If you dont get it 3rd time I would use a different rat.  The rats look great also!

Good luck!

Emily Harris