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Rats Gender - help please!

21 18:00:07

Hi ! I recently got a pet rat - who was pregnant when we got her (we didnt know) She had 3 babies, then are now 4 weeks old .. and i cannot tell the difference between the boys & the girls. I have looked at pictures online & i still cannot tell the difference. I really need help, as we cannot keep any more babies. The pictures do not help me, as i think they all look the same, but i always second guess. I dont know what to do. Maybe you can help me or point me in the right direction?

Thank You

Thea Cochrane

If you've already researched online, there's probably not much more I can tell you that will be productive. It's tricky and takes some practice. However, if you haven't seen it already, this is an excellant site with very clear pictures.

Definitely try and get them separated as soon as possible.

Good luck!