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rat wheezing when excited

21 17:44:45

i just recently adopted a small rat, when i brought him home i quarintined him for 2 weeks from my other boys. he did fine and showed no signs of any illness. i introduced him and he is now in the cage with the others. since i put him in the cage, he has started sneezing and can be snotty. he makes a wheezing sound, but i only hear it when he is excited or playing. he is very active and eating normally. should i be worried and should i remove him from the cage with the others? i don't want to get everyone sick.


First of all, if he already made contact with the others, just leave him there because if he would be sick, he already contaminated the area. I do think that in this case he may just be overwhelmed with the other rats and sometimes when their histamine levels rise from being excited, this can cause them to sneeze or get a bit congested for a brief time, almost like an allergy attack.
I would keep an eye on him though.  How is he getting along with the other rats?