Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Jenna is doing great!

Jenna is doing great!

21 17:26:24

QUESTION: Hello.  Im writing back to let you know that since Jenna has had her tumor/abscess removed, she is doing great!  As of this morning she is almost to her old self.  In a month, we might have her last tumor (which is as big as an apricot) removed then she'll be done with surgeries, for a while, I hope.  Thank you for all you have done for Jenna.  If not for you, Jenna would not be alive today. :)

ANSWER: That is the  BEST news I have heard today. Thank you for keeping me updated.  I would love to have a photo of Jenna! Do you have any of her when she had the active abscessed tumor?  Not that its normally something you would want to photograph, but if you did, I would like to have that to use on my website too.  I think I need to teach people how to tell if the abscess their rat has doesnt seem to heal up at the proper amount of time, it could be something more than an abscess.
Your vet is not the only vet that has made this kind of mistake and it is one mistake that could cost the rat his or her life.  I am glad I was able to help. This is why I am here on allexperts. I love a happy ending. I wish they were all like this!!!  Keep me posted I love to hear about her progress.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Jenna Abscess
Jenna Abscess  
QUESTION: Here is a picture of Jenna's Abscess-  and this is when it was just beginning a couple monthes before!  I will try to get a picture of how it looks now-  the Doctor who removed it did a phenomenal job!!

Thank you so much!  I do remember seeing it, thats how I knew it was a tumor and not an abscess! think I saw it.  LOL  heck I get so many letters a day I dont remember now but I had to have seen it or how else would I have known it was an abscess?

Do I have your permission to post this photo on my website? Also, if you have just a cute photo of her to use that would be great too, not just of her wounds!

I will also mention the vet that did the surgery and give him credit too but need your thumbs up to put the photo up?