Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > what is this hanging from my rats ****

what is this hanging from my rats ****

21 17:45:51

Hi i have this blacky brown thing hanging from where my rats penis is suppose to be and im really not sure if i should take it to the vet or not?

 You're looking at two likely possibilities here, either he has some discharge coming from his penis and it has dried into a crustiness, or the blacky brown thing IS his penis.  Sometimes male rats have a problem where their penis gets stuck outside of the sheath and if this happens it will dry up and become sore.  Is he licking at it, or showing any other signs of pain or any other symptoms of illness at all?  I would recommend putting a warm (not hot) damp compress onto it and see if it either drops off (if it is a crust) or the brownness comes away to reveal pink or white (if it is his penis).  If it's just a crust and he is acting normal otherwise he will probably be all right, just keep an eye on him to see if it happens again.  If it is his penis, or if you can afford it anyway it would definitely be a good idea to take him to a vet.  They should be able to treat him, hopefully with just some cream and without surgery.

 I hope everything turns out well for your rat, good luck!