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21 17:11:56

I recently bought a new rat to accompany my other rat. Unfortunatly the new one, Luna, had a respiratory infection so she is at the vet. Petunia I'm afraid has been sneezing. Not as bad as Luna was but occasionally sneezing. There is no residue coming from her nose and eyes. Is there anything I can treat her with at home to see if it clears up before I result to taking her to the vet?

    I have put a humidier in the room and feeding her spinach but what else would help if anything? Thank You!

Hi Chloe

I do not like to suggest home treatments when it comes to respiratory disease as this only delays the proper treatment, which should be started right away to avoid the disease from becoming chronic.

What type of bedding do you use?

For accurate information on respiratory infetion caused by mycoplasmosis, which is usually the culprit, please check out my website, and go to the page on mycoplasmosis which is the number one cause of respiratory infection in rats.