Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Sore eyes?

Sore eyes?

21 17:47:41

Hi may female rat has sore looking eyes i have read tons of articles about how rats have red tears etc, i would take her to the vet but she seems happy enough and i dont think my local vet would have a cluer about rats! my question is what is wrong with her eyes is it damaging to her and can the other 2 catch it? i have changed the bedding just in case this was not helping but i dont think it has made any difference? is she in pain?

Hi Katie

In order to be able to consider what is wrong with her eyes I need to know what you are seeing.
You said they look sore, but how do they look sore? What do you see about her eyes that  makes you believe there is a problem?

You said you changed bedding. What did you use and what are you using now?
Do you or have you in the past use sprays around her or powders, candles or cigarette smoke anywhere near her?

Anyhow hopefully I can get a clear picture in my mind as to what your concerns are.  Is there a way to send a photo to me ? If so email me at

hope to hear from you soon