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My son got bit by his pet Rat

21 17:26:50

Hello, my son had got a rat as a gift from his older sister. The Rat is a girl about a year old and is white with red (pink)eyes. Just recently she bit my youngest daughter.Now tonight my son was going to change her cage and she bit him 2 times. It was bad. Blood everywhere. His hand sweld up at the bite and got really red. Then turned purplish at the bit marks. He got sick and lost color in his face. I had to wash and boil the bit out and he almost past out on me. I washed the it off. Raped it up tight and sat him down. Not knowing what else to do. I gave him Benadryl and soaked his hand in Epsom Salts. Thats what my Dad said to do. It happened at 2 A.M. and it is 3:35 A.M. now. He is finally asleep. Should i take him to the Doctor or the Hospital? Do you think the Rat is bad? Should we give her away? Thanks , Worried mom

Hi Maria

As long as he is up to date on his tetnus shots, he should be just fine.  It hurts....bites hurt. They go very deep and its a nasty puncture wound.  THey cannot stitch puncture wounds either. Keep it clean, continue to soak it in epsom salts and apply lots of antibiotic ointment.  CLean several times a day with either saline or peroxide too but the soakings help the swelling alot.  Childrens ibuprofen should also help relieve some pain and swelling.

Now about the rat.....I always pity the rat. Rats do not bite unless something is wrong.  How long have you had this little girl and where did you get her from?  Do NOT give her away just yet because she will be put to sleep and obviously something is wrong or she would not have bitten anyone.  Let me know how long you have had her and where she came from for starters. Also do not worry about rabies.  Rats do NOT carry rabies and in fact since she is a domestic rat there is no way she could have come in contact with a wild animal to be bitten by it in the first place. Rats and mice cant transfer the rabies virus mainly because they die from the attack from whatever rabid animal it was that attacked them.

Keep an eye on things though, common sense. Should a fever spike and possibly pain in joints etc...flu like illness, that could mean infection....which is very rare but as with any bite this should be watched carefully.  I have been bitten....sheesh....I lost count....lots of times, even by a wild rat I was training, and I am ok.  Kids heal fast:)    Just dont let the rat know your scared of her if he is (which now he may be which is understandable) but lets see whats what first and go from there.   DO NOT try to handle her in case she doesn't like to be picked up due to fear and mistrust of you for some reason.  

Let me know.....