Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Help me please

Help me please

21 17:22:16

My brothers lizard had to start eating baby rats it is so big and the lizard didnt eat it(thankfully)but I've only had it 1 day and im not sure what to do it is fine right now but i dont know what else to do I've been feeding it regular milk out of my fridge I know thats not good and I am useing a spoon to feed it AND when I feed it it tries to move its head away and starts to wipe its face. I dont know what tempurater to keep it either.(I cant beleive its alive).

Does this rat have fur, and does it have it's eyes open? Is it mobile (walking around)?

Don't use regular milk; if you're in a pinch, use soy, but best yet, use a Kitten Milk Replacer formula you can buy at any pet store. Buy a small syringe to use to feed him a little easier.

Get back to me on these other questions and I'll be able to give you a little more info.