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My Underweight rat

21 17:37:55

hi i have a question about my pet rat being pregnant.her name is bandit i have had her for about six months since she was born but she was the runt of the littler so she is very small,  she is about the size of a 10 week old kitten. she got sick in her early days with a lump in her neck but it turned out to be a abcess and went away but now she doesnt seem to be gaining weight. and tonight i had my boyfriends rat over at my house, i had both of my rats seperated from his rat because he is male. but once my rat bandit saw him she freaked out and someonehow squeezed out of her cage and i realized it too late when i noticed that he was "mounting" her. oh and by the way, my boyfriends rat is my rats brother.  im just worried that if she is pregnant she will die because she is so little. so my question is: is  there was any natural painless way to aid in aborting the babies?  i feel horrible for even considering this but it is either her or the babies.
thank you very much.


Yes, the vet can spay her. This will take care of everything. Other than that, no, they don't make the morning after pill for rats although that would certainly be nice for times like this.  If she is pregnant, her body will accommodate the proper amount of pups for her size but labor may prove difficult for her which may end in a cesarean section. If she were my rat I would spay her. Spaying also has health benefits and will help lessen the chances that she develop mammary tumors later in life. You would simply need the right vet, which would be a certified exotic specialist. Spaying isn't super expensive but it depends on the persons financial status as to what is expensive or not.  Either way, I would find a way to spay her.