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new cage!

21 17:34:23

i finally upgraded my rat's cage. i got a ferret nation. my ratties are adults and medium sized. i don't have the time to set it up right now and i'm worried that they can squeeze between the bars. i went to several pet stores looking for the perfect cage but there were none i liked besides the ferret nation. i want my rats to have fun with four floors and i am VERY excited to buy some toys for them so could you help me out on what kind of toys i could get for them. i also wanted to know, i have two rats and i want to get a third maybe even a fourth... but i don't want them to feel crowded so how many will fit into the ferret nation?? if they can't squeeze through the bars of course. i am so excited for their new cage!!!!

I know several people who keep rats in the FN cage and their adults can't slip out of it, but honestly it depends on how burly your rats are! The size of each individual also denotes how many you can comfortably fit in there. To be on the safe side I would say do absolutely no more than 5 or 6, and that's if they're happy, well-adjusted rats that all get along. If you have three that scrap and argue, that's it, don't put any more in there.

As for toys, check out the parrot toys! Stay away from strings and easily chewed plastic, but otherwise, the sky is the limit. Google "fun homemade rat toys" and you'll have a BUNCH of sites pop up.

Good luck with your quest!