Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > twitching


21 17:26:09

my pat rat that is only 4 months old has already started twitching. its not all the time but about twice a day. she makes a small sound when shes twitching and its sounds like its breathing from her nose. she was in the freezer before i got her because my brother was going to feed her to their snake but we choose to take her out to keep her as a pet. she was the one that was the farthest gone, almost dead, out of all the rats. What do you think it is and i live in piqua ohio so if i have to go to a vet what is the closet vet that would deal with rats. Thank you very much.

Oh my gosh, PLEASE tell your brother freezing rats is illegal as this is consider cruelty to animals.  If he wants to feed his snake dead rats, as he should, he can buy them already deceased and they were put to death humanely, not cruel by allowing them to freeze to death. They are sold at most big pet stores.   

That said, luckily what I think your rat is doing is simply having the hiccups. Usually they do this a few times a day and it gets less and less as they get older.  They sit on one place, almost in a daze, and will twitch almost in a rhythmic pattern and may make a little noise like a fast squeak, when they do it. However, she should still see a vet because of the fact she was subjected to the cold and could have something going on because of this atrocious

I will look for a vet for you after you let me know for sure how she is doing and if your able to see a vet if needed.