Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > chronic sneezing rat

chronic sneezing rat

21 17:33:46

QUESTION: I have a 2 1/2 year old albino dumbo rat, Piglett, who has always sneezed.  I have tried most antibiotics (Baytril, amoxicillin, clavamox, doxycycline) and an antihistamine (liquid cherry Benadryl) and even some prednisone, all veterinary approved, but nothing seems to help.  She has worse days then others, and there always red drops on the walls behind the cage.  Sometimes she has sneezing fits that can last 10-15 seconds and drive me crazy with worry.  The bedding is hypoallergenic and changed all the time.  She otherwise seems happy, is eating and drinking.  Any ideas on what I can give her to make her more comfortable? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!  Katheryn

You said she has always done you mean she has always been a sneezer and you wonder why this is so?

Let me know if I am misunderstanding so I can help figure this out for ya.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your quick response!  Yes she has always been a sneezer and I am guessing it is from Mycoplasma, which is in almost all rats, right?  I just found your website and was hoping that there were other ideas out there besides the ones I've tried that might help her.  She's lived all her life this way, and most of her life I've tried to help her.  Any thoughts?

It could really just be her. As long as she is eating and drinking and acting ok, I would not worry.  how are things going lately?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, this is odd but I read somewhere that chocolate helps and that it's okay to give rats chocolate, SO I gave her chocolate and it seems to help a little!  She still sneezes a lot, mostly in the morning (??!) but not as violently.  She also seems more active and playful, but also more content when sleeping.  Have you heard of this before?  Thank you again for your quick responses!


Heres the scoop on the chocolate: Some vets say NO, rat people say YES YES YES!  Heres why:

Chocolate is said to be a bronchodilator because it contains theobromine, which is supposed to open airways and help with respiratory distress.  However, it is said that it doesnt   really help and when the owner claims the rat seemed to be a little be better, Vets claim it is only due to the fact the sugar content gave the rat a bit of a "rush".  No real studies have been done on this since, well, since few scientists care about our pet rats, sadly.  I have suggested to people to try the chocolate in little bits and they said it worked, and i tried it myself only to find myself reaching for the real deal, which was albuterol, when the chocolate did nothing for my wheezing sneezing rats.  

I just say if it helps a little, go for it, but only tiny amounts.