Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rats tail separated from bone

Rats tail separated from bone

21 16:53:21

EMERGENCY!!! One of my rats I heard squeaking then found about an inch from the tip of it's tail separated from the bone. The skin is still hanging on by a thread but it is clean off the bone. I am not sure what to do. I can't find a bandage small enough and have it without any other rats right now!!! Help!

Dear Stan,

This is called degloving, and usually does not need extra attention. If you have some Bactine, it can help for pain. Usually the degloved part will turn black and fall off after a week or two. The other piece will also fall off.

Pay close attention to any redness, swelling, pus, or bad smell, any of which could mean infection; if it becomes infected, oral treatment with amoxicillin is probably the best thing and he should go to the vet if possible. In rare cases, part of the tail may need to be amputated.

He should be with his buddies unless one of them is chewing on the tail. Give them litter that will not stick to the tail, such as just fleece or other cloth (it will only be an issue for a day or two).

He should be OK, poor guy. You can see why rats can't be picked up by their tails- it is such an easy injury.

Best of luck and health to him.

