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Update on my rat Deacon

21 17:51:45

Hey Sandra!
Thanks for all of your help with my rat Deacon.  I did take him to the Vet (Northview Vet Hospital in Pittsburgh).  They told me that he had myco problems and pneumonia...  They gave him a shot of baytril at the hospital and then gave me 2 antibiotics to give him twice a day to help.  Those medications are doxycycline (0.02cc) and enrofloxacin (0.06cc).  They told me that it is very hard for a rat to get rid of pneumonia and told me to try this and get back to them.  He seems somewhat better at points, but at other times really tired and trying hard to breath.  I'm trying hard to help him and keep him hydrated and I'm hopeful that this will work.  He's a fighter!  He still eats well. Anyway, thanks again for the help.  I really appreciated your advice and pointing me towards a good vet.

Hi Deacon

I am glad he saw the vet...but my question is, did you like the vet and feel confident with the way they treated Mr.Deacon?

The enrofloxacin is generic for baytril so he is still getting that plus the doxy. I cant old is Deacon?  
It is hard to treat pneumonia and often they relapse or end up with lung scarring but if he doesnt improve in a few days, I would call and have the meds changed to possibly enrofloxacin and CEFA drops and ask about a steroid.  This is of course is if he doesnt improve much. I wouldnt wait more than a few days (4 tops) and dont feel funny about talking to them about it either. Thats what they are there treat your rat and try to get him on the right track.

Please keep me posted. I hope he improves!!


PS- BTW, I dont think I mentioned this but I am originally from Youngstown, Ohio (I am in Charlotte NC now) and grew up a die hard Steelers fan!  BOO BROWNS! :)