Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > I think my rat has URI! Help please.

I think my rat has URI! Help please.

21 17:06:27

So my rat has been sneezing a lot and he breathed weird a couple of times. He also has been having a lot of porphyrin around his nose and eyes. Is there anything I can give him naturally or anything from the pet store I can buy to help him? My family is on a very low budget at the moment and I really want to help him! My mom bought some Ornacyn - Plus. Will this help? Thank you for your answer.  

I wish I could tell you that there is something naturally that will help and it would be so great if you can buy something from the pet store that would help, but unfortunately it is not that easy when it comes to rat health problems. Often the bacteria that causes respiratory infections can be stubborn and requires the proper medication, proper dose and proper duration of treatment in order to prevent chronic lung problems later in life due to scarring of the lungs from not being treated properly.   I wish I had a better answer, but the rat needs to see a vet before things really get bad for him.