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rat vacation

21 17:46:19

Thank you in advance. On Friday I was invited to Upstate NY with friends.  It's a 3 hour drive.  The temperature is going to be around 90 degree's. Do you think my rats will will be ok to bring on this kind of trip. Also if I bring them will it be to hot outside in the shade.  I do not want to stress them out with a long car ride or if the weather is not good for them.  I will take your advice.  I live in the city and they don't get out.  Should I wait until it gets cooler to take them Upstate.

If they will not have access to air conditioning, no, do not take them upstate.  Rats do not do very well in excessive heat. Even 85 degrees is pushing it for them let alone 90. If its humid especially, even shade wont help cool anyone or anything off at 90 degress. I live in the south and it is as hot here as it is humid and my rats stay in the cool house. I did take them to FLorida with me but the car also has a/c  so they were fine.  If you tell me you have a/c in the car and they will be kept in a cooled off house  that would be ok.