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lame rats

21 17:01:37

hi, my daughter has 2 pet rats who she loves and cares for dearly. they are brothers aged 3years and 1 month. over the past few weeks both of them have lost the use of there back legs, they still seem to get around ok (one more than the other)and have a healthy appetite. they both are looking alot thinner than before and look very tired in their faces. they don't seem to be in any pain and still love to be handled and cuddled, but their little faces are looking so tired and old. please advice me on what would be best for the boys..thankyou, donna.

Sounds like your boys are both suffering from hind leg paralysis along with old age.  I give you credit for the great care you have given them for the past three years. You should be grateful that they have lived this long and have had a happy life with you.  Please see my site and refer to the topic on the elderly rat and there is also info on hind leg paralysis too.  Please let me know after you read it. You can reach me via my private email at

here is the link right to the page on the elderly rat!