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Sick or stressed rat?

21 17:23:48

I got my two girls about 2 weeks ago. They were both the same size and weight when i first got them. But my one girl Dorothy had a little bit of porphyrin around her eyes. I have read that is caused by stress and respitory illnesses, so I have waited awhile to see if it will get worse or go away, and so far the porphyrin hasnt gone away but hasnt gotten anyworse. But I have also noticed that Dorothy is a lot skinnier then her sister at this point too, and she is alot less active then her sister. I realize that rats have different personalities but im worried she is sick.
Thank you very much

Hi Erin

Some rats have  porphryin no matter what and often have it more when they first wake up etc...

However, if you are worried, I would see the vet for peace of mind. If you need a vet, please let me know and also let me know where in Canada your located and I will gladly give you some names of vets that are qualified to care for exotics.