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Rats ear bleeding, face swollen

21 17:27:17


my rats face and ear
my pet rats is almost 2 years old he was fine yesturday and then today he was covered in blood coming from his ear and there is a huge knot thing on his face please help

The photo is too small but it seems that your rat has a serious abscess in her auditory gland (zymbals gland)  can you take another photo but dont make it small.  I cant see this at all.

Do you have a vet?

Is there alot of blood?

Hold a warm compress on the side of his face for a bit to help the swelling but dont be shocked if the lump doesnt open and pus comes out.

I need to see a better photo.

Check out my website and compare the photo to the rats on the bottom of the page under zymbals gland tumors let me know if this is the location of the lump.