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Rat having trouble putting pressure on his one foot.

21 17:19:44

Hi Sandra, I hope you can help me...
My rat Yoko, is a little over 2 yrs old, and last night we noticed that he was having some trouble climbing up the levels of his cage, then noticed it again this morning. Its his one back foot-It didn't seem to hurt hurt him when we examined it, its not swollen or any different looking then his other foot~ I did notice that the hurt foot when i pick him up, his toes stay closer together, while with the good foot, his toes are spread apart. He was at the vet in August for a respritory infection, but that cleared up well with the meds. I just don't want anything more to happen to my baby. Do you have any idea what it may be or what I can do to help?


Sorry for taking so long. I have had the flu and also an article deadline for a rat magazine I had to meet. Its no fun trying to write an article when your brain is fuzzy from the flu!

By now I bet your rat is using his foot if he sprained it like I am suspecting.  Usually the limp or keep it close to their body if they twist it or somehow nick the toes. If he isnt using it, let me know and we will go from there. Promise I will  write back within a few hours of hearing back from you.