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2.5 yr old female rat: bleeding?

21 17:51:48

QUESTION: Hi from France.  Today is a holiday here.  When I took Poukie out of her cage today I found red spotting in several places.  Looking her over it seems to come from vaginal or urethra. .What to do, besides take her to a vet tomorrow? She's just sleeping today, although she is eating, and urinating too.  We love our rat.  Thanks!
She's also sneezing quite a bit.

ANSWER: Hi Emilie

Seems like its a holiday all over the world, from the UK (Easter Monday) to the United states (Easter Monday and spring vacation) and also in France so many vets are closed today.

Ok, onward about Poukie. There isnt much you can really do but keep her warm and hydrated and try to keep her strength up by making sure she ests good as you said she is.  When she urinates, do you see blood in the urine?

Is the blood bright red, pink or brownish-red?

Although you know she must see a vet ASAP, this doesnt mean something is seriously wrong. Sometimes its just infection of the uterus which can be caused by mycoplasmosis or it could be a urinary tract infection too, also caused by myco or other bacteria.  If you can tell where the blood is coming from it would be easier to diagnose. At her age, it could be many things as I said, infection or maybe hormonal problems. I have seen it also be caused by polycystic ovaries too and sometimes if the bleeding doesnt stop, hormone injections such as lupron, can help.
Is she losing hair in spots anywhere, have you noticed? Is her abdomen distended?  Is she congested in her chest or nasal passages? I know you said she was sneezing so that is why I asked if she has congestion.

Next thing: Do you have a vet that is prepared to care for a rat? If not, I can try to help find one, even though your in France (I would LOVE to visit France so day! It sounds so beautiful:)

Keep me updated and I will check often for your reply!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Update on Poukie.  Yes, I have a vet's office here with two young women vets who are great.  She says Poukie has a tumor on the renal system, and the bleeding is probably due to polyps or tumors in the ovarian system. She gave her a shot of cortisone to help the inflammation, an antibio in case of infection,plus a thing to stop the bleeding(which seems to have worked).  But she says that all this is to perhaps prolong her life a little and mostly to ease the pain, and that if it seems not to work after a week to bring her in for anesthesia(put her asleep).  So we're trying to keep Poukie comfortable.
Strange how you can get so attached to a little. . .rat. I would be interested in what you know about preventing tumors, for the future, as this seels to be the major cause of death in female rats.  Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Emille

I am so sorry this has happened and yes, it is common in female rats that are not spayed.

Prevention is to spay the female rat at an early age, around 4 months old.  
When rats reach around 18 months of age, their estrogen levels peak and this causes the growth of mammary tumors and tumors on the reproductive organs too.  These tumors start to show anytime after 18 months old, so Poukie has had more time than most females for these to develop.

This is the only real way to prevent tumors is to spay the female young.
One reason I only own males now is because of the problems that females have with tumor growth.

I am hoping things work out for her. Sounds like she is on the right track. DO you know what she was given to stop the bleeding? I would love to know!

Best wishes


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Exacyl (acid  tranexamique)  given to women with abundant periods. . .in liquid, kind of hard to give!)

Yes yes, I know of it. It is used more in Europe than in the United States but because of its success rates (this is with humans however) they are starting to use it more here. Its a non hormonal, non-steroid drug which is good (safer!) less unwanted side effects.  
Rats can safely be given many many drugs humans use and have the same reactions to them as humans have, from antibiotics to heart medication and even insulin for diabetes. All it takes is a vet that knows what they are doing, as yours does! :)
My vet was looking into this earlier when we were treating a female with polycystic ovaries etc..but found the vaginal bleeding stopped with a hormone injection called lupron and in fact this had also started to shrink her mammary tumors as well, which is why lupron is used now in the states and is given after mammary tumors are removed, to prevent new growth of more tumors.  Still, the best way to prevent it is to have the female spayed.

Sounds like you have a very educated Vet and that pleases me:)

Good luck and lets hope she improves....even a few months of additional time on her life as long as its of good quality, is worth it. She very well can make it past 3 years old.  My girls have made it past 3 and even close to 4 and it is worth every single new day we have with them. They are wonderful little blessings arent they?!

Please, keep me posted. I really am interested in her progress and hope for the best. I have high hopes for her especially since she has a good owner like you to love her and a good vet to care for her!!

Best wishes
