Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Bio-catolet


21 17:09:51

I was just wondering if Bio-catolet is safe to use as a base for my rats cage its for small animals and rodents.
Thankyou. I don't know if you have heard of this i am in the UK.

ANSWER: Never heard of it.  What is it made of?  It seems obvious that it may be causing your rats some distress.  How are they now?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Bio-catolet granules extremely absorbent and dust free. Soft and kind to paws reliably masks odours 100 per cent eco- logical 100 per cent recycled paper can be composed also suitable for rodents and small domestic animals.

With Seasonal Perfumes
"Built In" Flea and Insect Deterrent - Another 1st
Proven to be Extremely Absorbent - Over 200% Plus

I found that info when I looked it up.  However, it looks like yesterdays news, which is one of my favorite litters and it is made from recyled newspaper like biocatolet... it may be safe to use, but that doesnt mean that some rats may not have some type of reaction to it. See how they do without it for a few days. Process of elimination is the only way to go when dealing with litters as long as we know they are safe and dust and perfume free.